Servicing your Needs

Pest Control

Termite Control

Animal Control

Carpenter Bees,
Wasps, Hornets

Carpenter Ants


Cleveland Chemical provides a wide range of pest management services tailored for you individual needs.

One Time Service: Service is performed to take care of a specific type of insect problem. (No Contract Required)

Monthly Service: Service is performed on a monthly basis to take care of general nuisance insects and rodents. Any problems encountered between visits are serviced at no charge.

Quarterly Service: Service is performed on a quarterly basis to take care of general nuisance insects and rodents. Any problems encountered between visits are serviced at no charge.

Exterior Treatment Service: Exterior application for stinging insects (wasps, hornets, carpenter bees, yellow jackets) performed in the spring with a service agreement until the end of December. For wood roaches, cluster flies, this service would be performed in the spring and fall. Any problems encountered are serviced at no charge.

Flea Pre-Treatment: Performed on the interior of the house in March, will prevent flea infestations through December. Any problems encountered are serviced at no charge.

Live Animal Trapping: Removal of nuisance animals such as raccoons, skunks, woodchucks and squirrels.

Rodent/Animal Exclusion: A thorough inspection is made of the structure and then we will recommend corrective measures. We can perform this service or let you do it yourself.